We provide Private Domain Registration Services.
Currently we are not accepting new clients. We may
re-open for new clients in several months.
If you are interested in purchasing or leasing a domain name
or you represent an entity with a legal authority to
determine registration information about one of our
clients, you may send email addressed to
the coordinator of all services by sending email to:
coordinator /--AT--/ privatedomainvault /--DOT--/ com
Be sure to include the DOMAIN NAME in the SUBJECT LINE of your email, and also include the domain name in the body of your message, for which you are inquiring
Check your spam folders if you don't see a response, generally
within 2-3 business days.
If you wish to make an offer to purchase a domain name,
generally you can visit URL domain name in your web browser
to determine the availability of a domain name. For example,
if you want to see if the domain name example.com is available
for purchase, just visit https://www.example.com
You may send postal mail to us at the address below.
You may also reach us by phone at (512) 537-0258. Note
that you will normally receive much faster response
by emailing us as explained above.
Our response to your inquiry is at our sole discretion.
Unless you can provide sufficient evidence to us of
sincere interest in purchasing a domain and/or
your legal authority to obtain the registration information
pertaining to a domain name, we normally will not respond
to you. To speed the process, be sure to clearly exress your
specific reason for your inquiry, and your legal authority
to obtain such information. Upon our acceptance of your
inquiry, we will provide you only with the information
available in a normal 'whois' query.